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The Brazilian artist Ju Barros was born in a small 17th century town called Penedo, by the margins of one of the most beloved rivers in Brazil, the São Francisco River.

She grew up admiring the sunset lights over the river, mesmerized by the sight of the backland aridity flanked by the greatness of the unstoppable waters force.


As a young child, she moved with her family to Rio de Janeiro where she has lived ever since.


Ju Barros attended the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil where she received her bachelor’s degree in Architecture in 1970.

She then attended the Escolinha de Artes do Brasil and The School of Visual Arts in Parque Lage - Brazil, having participated in the anthological art exhibition “Quem é Você Geração 80?”, which received over 15,000 visitors.

Since then she has held exhibitions in Paris, Milan, Basel, Madrid and Rio de Janeiro, among others.


Ms Barros is a contemporary artist who uses a variety of techniques and materials such as pen and ink, watercolors, powdered pigments, iron oxide, egg tempera, dry and oily pastels, lacework and fabric prints, and paint.

Most of her actual artwork is done through mixed techniques on canvas.


In her work there is a large presence of vibrant colors, overlapping themes and materials, especially with various combinations of abstractions and figurative elements.


The art of Ju Barros incorporates a variety of sources in a spontaneous and joyful way.


Her art is characterized by elements of a vibrant and unique delicacy, as well as the colors of Brazil that framed her childhood years.

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